Membership Benefits

MF Toys VIP Membership
Interested in being a member?
MF Toys Canada, is a online reseller that welcomes you to a brand-new world of unique and hard-to-find products for your personal buying. You'll have an easy one-stop shopping experience when you become a member with us, and with hundreds of action figures, toys, gifts, and collectibles from many manufacturer lines to choose from, we can help you grow your collection.
Current benefits:
- 5% discount on all items. Great for pre-orders!
- Free shipping on orders over $250.00 (before taxes & shipping)
- Save on regular shipping costs
- Exclusive product purchases
- Hunters wish list
...more benefits being added!
Membership is coded to your email address that is used when you purchased your annual membership. You must login under your email account for membership benefits to be activated.